Explore our teams
AV & Media Team
St John’s is blessed with a vibrant AV & Media Team! We are responsible for running the AV desk at services and the live-stream feed in particular at the mid-morning Sunday service. We have some in-house tech people who keep us upgraded with fun equipment. If you’re interested in getting involved and serving on the team, use the button below or stop by the AV desk after a service for a chat!
Boys Brigade
The Boys Brigade is a church based uniformed youth organisation. The object of The Boys Brigade is the advancement of Christ’s kingdom among boys and promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-Respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness.
Company Section:
Friday 7:45-9:30pm (Age 11-18)Meeting place: St John’s Church Hall
English as a Second Language
We run English Lesson classes on Saturdays for Chinese speaking Hong Kongers. From 10:30 to 12:30 at St John’s Church. It’s a great place to learn to speak English better and we have fun doing it, too!
Food Parcels
Food Parcels are made up once a month and distributed at Place of Welcome and at the Minworth Jr & Infants School. Donations of food stuffs are received throughout the month, and donations of money towards supplementing the food available are gratefully received. If you would like to help be a part of this ministry, please bring your food donations to the church, or give financially via this link: Give via ChurchSuite
Register below if you’d like to be a part of the team!
Gardening Team
If you ever wondered why our churchyard looks so lovely, it’s because the Gardening Team meet weekly on Tuesday mornings to tend it! They meet from 8:30am to 10am, and then have a break for coffee and a chat. They’d love to welcome new people to the team!
On the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, at the 10:30am service, people from the Intercessions Team lead prayers for the world and its needs, for the Church and her life, and for individuals. This is a time of corporate led prayers, an offering of worship.
Kids Work
The Kids@St John’s Team plans, prepares and runs our kids groups that run on Sunday morning during the 10.30 am service. This team is headed up by Kat (Children and Families Minister), and is run by amazing DBS checked volunteers who all have a passion for helping the children within our care to grow in their faith in God and in their knowledge of him.
St John's Pantry is well known in the local area for serving homemade lunches at very reasonable prices in a warm and friendly environment. The ladies of the church have run the St John's Pantry on a Tuesday for over twenty years. We are open to all - all ages welcome. This service is entirely run by church volunteers. We are self-supporting and support charities from the proceeds every year. We provide service with a smile and good food!
Open Tuesday mornings from 10am for coffee and tea, and from 12 noon for hot and cold homemade meals.
For young people in secondary school. Pathfinders meet during the 10.30 am worship services on the 2nd - 4th Sundays of the month, and they have a dedicated meeting place in the Albert Jones Hall in the churchyard.
There is more information about activities for teenagers here
Place of Welcome
On Fridays, Place of Welcome is open for coffee and a chat. They meet at the Arbury Walk Community Room in Minworth. The team that run this provide hot drinks, food and a listening ear to those who attend.
On the 3rd Friday of each month, we are providing food parcels for the local community.
Prayer Ministry
The Prayer Ministry Team are available after the morning services to pray with people. This is part of the Pastoral Care Team.
Saturday Coffee Shop
Saturdays, in St John's Church Lounge, 10 am - 12.30 pm!
The Saturday Coffee Shop is a great place to connect with the community, enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, a bacon bap, or a slice of cake, while chatting with friends. Everyone is welcome!
Social Team
The Social Team organise events and activities throughout the year. They are a great group of people who get creative when it comes to getting people together for fun!
You can find out what’s happening on the social front via this page
Worship Team
The Worship Team is comprised of people who have musical gifts and would like to use them to help lead sung worship. If you play an instrument or can sing, as part of your worship life, we’d love to hear from you about how you might be able to join this team!
Scripture Readers
Reading the Bible passage for the worship service is one way people can participate in the Sunday morning service at 10:30am. If you enjoy reading the Bible, and would like to join this team, we’d love to hear from you!