We care about God’s creation!
The Eco-Team at St John’s is passionate about how we can individually and corporately care for our environment. We share tips and gather feedback in order to steward and care for God’s creation.
If you’d like to join the team, let us know!
We’ve made Bronze!
Well done on achieving the Bronze Award.
Together we can reach Gold by 2030. Lots to do but together we can achieve it. 🌳
Eco Lent
The Lenten 40-day period before Easter gives us the opportunity to reflect on the practice of fasting and commit to giving up something that brings a real benefit to nature and helps address climate change. Below are some changes you could make that will help the environment. Take time to pray, reflect and consider how to make our world more eco-friendly.
Eco-friendly suggestions include:
Clothing fast, e.g. buy no new clothing and buy only second-hand
Food fast, e.g. eat no or less meat, even if it just for one day a week
Plastic fast, e.g. reduce plastic by buying loose fruit and vegetables (take your own bag)
Transport fast, e.g. give up the car for short journeys
Energy fast, e.g. take fewer/shorter showers or take a shower instead of a bath
The Eco Team would love to know how you got on with your eco-friendly lent. Please email us with your experiences (good or bad)!