St John's Church is committed to the safeguarding and protection of all its children, young people and adults.
If you have any concerns or worries about a child or adult, Tina Jeevan-Reddy is our Parish Safeguarding Officer. You may contact her or one of the other safeguarding officers. The email below goes directly to our Safeguarding Officers.
You may also contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer, Steph Haynes, @ Tel: 07342 993 844, email: stephh@cofebirmingham.com
or to get help from outside the church: How to get help outside the church – e.g. Police 999 or 101 and local authority adult and child social services for your area.
Safeguarding Officers
Tina Jeevan-Reddy
Parish Safeguarding Officer
T: 07966168515
E: safeguarding@stjw.org.uk
Rev Ade Evans
Safeguarding Officer For Adults
T: 07961375769E: ade@stjw.org.uk
Kat Turner
Safeguarding Officer For Children
T: 07470697885
E: kat@stjw.org.uk
Jon Lake
Safeguarding Officer for Youth
T: 07491514016
E: jon@stjw.org.uk